against blue light
Soma Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses are scientifically proven to block 100% of blue light in the spectrum range of 450-480nm. These are the specific wavelengths that disrupt melatonin production.
Most glasses on the market today are simply tinted lenses that help reduce eyestrain for people who spend a lot of time looking at computer screens.
Soma Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses do both: reduce eyestrain and protect you from blue light disruption to help you fall asleep more naturally and peacefully.

to help balance your circadian rhythm
Blue light is not a bad thing. You need natural blue light in the form of sunlight during the day. In the evening, it’s time for your body to begin creating more melatonin.
With Soma Sleep Blue Light Blocking Glasses, you can filter out the harmful blue light around you, allowing your body to reset naturally. A balanced circadian rhythm results in falling asleep more quickly and sleeping more deeply.

Which is best for me?
The amber lens is an ideal option for people who are wanting a high quality premium 100% blue blocking lens, but prefer a lighter amber tint over the red lens to allow more colour perception in the evening hours.
The Red lens blocks 100% of blue and green light up to 550nm. Why green light? Well, green light is right next to blue on the visible light spectrum, and the melatonin disruption zone extends right into the green light spectrum.
These glasses provide the most optimal blue and green light protection available to maximise sleep quality.
The red lens is the best option for people struggling with poor sleep or insomnia, or are looking to maximise sleep quality as much as possible.